![]() Favourite DJs: Justin and Vernon from 987 |
Spongebobs and sunflowers make me happy.
Shereen. "The most beautiful person we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of th depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep-loving concern." Beautiful people dont just happen
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Shereen Lala![]() Create Your Badge Twitter Updates
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Looking into the future is good, hahahahaha cant wait for this date!! ;D For this year's birthday, I'm surprised at how little I've thought about it. Usually I'd have a really long birthday list that was initiated during the start of the year, but now, at present I can only think of ONE thing that I'd really want on my birthday. It's to really be able to give my best shot during the EOYS and then have loads of fun afterwards! heh. :D Current birthday list: 1. Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella 2. Justin Bieber's MCD 3. Chance to meet Muttons to Midnight from 987 Justin Bieber is really good and really good looking. hehe xp seriously, he's freaking cute OK! LOVE HIS VID ONE TIME Just created a new facebook group called "Singaporeans (L) Standard English". mmmm, makes me sounds extremely weird but I think it's kind of cool xp. Do support and join ok~~ Went to school today to look for physics and chemistry teacher. Physics teacher turned out to be sick and on MC. ): Chemistry teacher was quite helpful. Math teacher down with eye infection; hope she recovers soon enough for our meeting tmrw. :X If you're bored with EOY revision, check out www.fmylife.com and www.mylifeisaverage.com. They have some of the wackiest stories! Like: Today, I was at lunch with my girlfriend. The waitress came up and asked for her number, then asked if she had a significant other. I laughed as my girlfriend gave the waitress her number. They're going on a date, tonight. FML Or, you can choose to watch justin bieber's cool videos on youtube. one step at the time?
What if i have no more time?! FYI, EOYS start this thursday! I have yet to complete my SCS revision, my history revision, organic chem (which looks so terrifically boring), waves, light and my math worksheets. So much for thinking I still have loads of time more to go! got to get back to organic chem now. my post is so short these days, I might as well concentrate on my twitter.
Small elephants, big ants
Cant wait for EOYS to be over. I've already thought out a million things to do after 12th October. I want (all the more) to visit far east plaza and enter every shoplet! This includes OhsoFickle. Her initial intention was to earn additional pocket money and she ends up with a full-time job, coupled with a admirable salary. She earns an avg of $10000 a month; freaking awesome OK.
JUSTIN BIEBERhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-qQdw7Xpv4 "as fit as a iron" -cute like madz
Saw this on Op-Ed Columnist
Only the important people stay in your life.
![]() Firstly, I'm not as impulsive as before and I make better decisions. So just because I made a mistake in my lower secondary days, I hope that I wouldnt be judged for what happened back then. Secondly, I'm not as nice as before. I dont give a shit to people who treat me like one. I dont believe dressing better and having more people around you makes you cooler than anyone else in the school. For a start, the people around you may not even be your friend. Thirdly, I used to think fashion magazines and blogshops selling standardised clothes were cool. I'd take hours sourcing for the cheapest and finding out I've no way to buy them. Now, I think nytimes.com, entrepeuner books, interesting quotes and selected articles are freaking awesome. Fourth, I used to be really superficial. I'd thread around the edge, afraid of falling out the cycle of trends. Now, I dont give a shit if you think I'm a nerd, a no-lifer cos I guess even if you say that, I'd keep doing it. The only difference is whether I do it openly or behind your backs. Fifth, this post has a reason. It is meant to display my displeasure but definitely, it is not directed at my friends. They are directed at the people who like talking behind people's backs, like gossiping, like some spice to their conversations and have no concerns about the feelings of others'. EOY Resolution: Sleep before 10.30pm
1. It is getting so difficult to stay awake in periodic times of the day. It's odd- I'd be incessantly high for a few hours then I'd start feeling too weary. It's like another form of moodswings. 2. Exams are drawing near; I feel like I can just die. Those cliches about, "dont worry, as long as you work hard, you'd get good results." I think they only work for some people. Some people just cannot study OK. 3. What if I get exam blues? What if I get blank minds? What if the paper is unpredictable and ends up unexpectedly difficult? What if I havent studied enough?!?! That's the worse part, knowing that you could have done better. Suckszxc like mad. 4. I'm supposed to be starting on my Lang Arts but I'm feeling sleepy (OH I KNOW WHY, I'M HUNGRY ):). I hope tonight I'd be able to stay alert till 9pm before I can feel good enough to sleep. 5. I hope tmrw doesnt rain so I get to play tennis like mad before I get to work on my math. 6. Cant wait for EOYS to end. OK GOT TO WORK. BYEBYE! P.S. LBBS MUG LIKE MADZ AND THEN WE'D BE FREE LIKE BIRDS~ P.P.S SHIRLEEN&QIAOWEI, DONT STRESS YOURSELF ALR LUH YOU SMARTASS.
Cooler than the flipside of your pillow
![]() I want to step into the silver screen when disney tales are playing and live a fairytale life. Where problems are always solved with smiles, where there are no bad hair days or ugly fashions, where you always say the right thing at the right time, where school dramas turn good and where everyth good will come out of everyth bad.
Dont let go of this moment.
![]() My holidays have so far been packed with Chemistry, a lot of worrying and guilty-breaks (times when I get hooked on the television or the new kid book I'm reading and end up slacking for an hour plus). Fortunately, it's just Wednesday and I still have time to change all these.
3. I have everything I want (material-wise) and I agree I'm extremely pampered. Like, I take my parent's car for granted and I wont say I'm used to taking public transports. The only bus number I'm familiar with is 963, from my school. 4. Referring to no3, one of my wishes is to be able to take public transports to anywhere I want, with ease. I think it's really cool to be independent. 5. I love reading Seventeen magazines. 6. I do not watch drama serials because I cant afford to get addicted to it. So I read a lot instead. I like Reader's Digest, Sophie Kinsella's chick lits, Biographies by famous buisnessmen (like Donald Trump) and NYtimes (they are my new favourites) 7. I have a low self-esteem and even though I can be egotistic, it's really to assure myself. 8. I like volunteer work. Another of my wishes have been to engage in new experiences. I want to volunteer at SPCA, bird park, old folk's home and fundraising events etc. 9. I love rainbow colours. Stuffs that are colourful totally catches my attention. 10. My room is really really messy! When it's late and I dont feel like packing my table, I'd feel it disturbing to imagine what sort of bug could be residing under all the mess. (sidenote: I'm super paranoid) SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot: 1. I hope I can start to enjoy studying right now. 2. When my next issue of Seventeen will arrive 3. Worrying (random stuffs: whether I will be able to finish studying, whether I'm stupid, whether I'd get into trouble, whether I can be confident etc) 4. Rummaging through the drawers in my mind, searching for the correct quote to inspire or motivate me. 5. The world is going to end? 6. Am I good friend? 7. Now, I'm thinking why I'm so pessimistic and so degrading to myself, that I start to recall the quote I read earlier. The gist being, we get to hesitant with our time that we end up not really living at all. FOUR things you do before you fall asleep: 1. Read a book 2. Play sudoku 3. Contemplate whether I should go online 4. Brush Teeth FOUR things you see right now: 1. My new notebook (see, I told you I'm pampered) 2. My handphone 3. "Diary Of a Wimpy Kid" 4. A spongebob balloon stuck on my chair
3. Moment of Truth- FM Static TWO things you want to do before you die: 1. Start a diary 2. Adopt an animal
(This is a direct quoting from Joycelin's answer but it's relevant)
Since there is no other moment like this, 'for the time being' is all the time there is
"I find it impressive how thoroughly normal it is be so tentative about the time of our lives, or so asleep within it, that we miss it entirely." -quoted from Happydays Blog Shit happens in life and it's impossible to have things work out all the time. There will obviously be discomfort and sadness, but all that matters is how willing we are to embrace it and make the best out of it. It's part of our life anyw. EOYS are coming in 3 weeks time. ): am very very stressed but I can only study harder than ever and let the results speak for themselves yes? EVERYBODY ELSE: JIAYOU TTM TOO! ;D
iintrox pl0x?
Been so long since.
I think my platoon mate is angry with me. I guess even without the names and obvious hints, we all know who I'm talking about. We're getting too good at guessing, too good at knowing- too good for our own good. Still, despite everyth "wrong" (as in my perspective) she could have done and I'm angry/unhappy/bitchy about it, platoon mates happen only once. We'd be over after ROD and even if we do fall out, I'd rather we fall out for the right reasons than it to be because we second-guessed each other and never dared to ask for the truth. Just so you know, I was never talking about you when I mentioned how I couldnt stand people with buns, it was just a random comment directed at those girls in general. So, I hope the unfriendliness will stop. I keep worrying that something bad is going to happen and I start to live my life in worry, paranoia and distraction AGAIN. Today, it's different. Maybe it's only because I'm tired of being frustrated and lost, so tired that I'm alright with losing alr. It's been so long since I felt so relieved. The thing about paranoia, it makes you consider all situtations that are going to happen. When you do the math, you realise, it's really not going to be that bad. And it's all in the head. I think I pissed my coach big time for being such a grouch during tennis when I miss the ball, cant serve etc. I guess I'm competitive. Looking at people who had tons more practices and much more practices makes me want to compare myself with them. When I lose, I get upset. Today's been a painful (i.e cramp-y) day, with much hot packs and lazing away. I tried to study acids bases salts, metals and finish all phy EOY papers with 100% concentration. grr, did not succeed. but now, it's about positive thinking, enthusiasm and a lot of motivations. EOYS are coming. keep going, y'll. the regret is not worth it. P.S. Qiaowei's blog has an awesome quote! "Even heros have the right to bleed." We're all heros, we're all allowed to make mistakes, get upset and have bad hair days. |