![]() Favourite DJs: Justin and Vernon from 987 |
Spongebobs and sunflowers make me happy.
Shereen. "The most beautiful person we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of th depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep-loving concern." Beautiful people dont just happen
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Shit happens (all at one time)
Today. Played soccer. Watched a chinese video during Lang arts. Did a self-made chem experiement. Had freestyle rehearsals under the burning sun. School closes at 5pm. Tmrw. 7.15am no4 school. Open house cum CCA for 5 hours. Physics tuition. Predictably tired. Today is just not a good day. I just got yelled at by my mother for smth that I could do nothing about. I'm extremely sad that Delta is stepping down. I wish I could stop judging whatever I hear/see/do and start to live.
"You v cute leh"
Cross country 09.Champion: Minotaur. Today was our school's cross country. Competitive runners ran 3.5km. It seems shorter than I thought, all thanks to morning runs for Hillary Challenge and the worries I had in the morning. I improved from 80+ to 50+ in position. Yay, hahahahahahahahhahahahahha. I love you, delta.
![]() Charlie champions, my champions. Sexyalpha, burntbravo, charliecannibals, dopeydeltas. nonsensical names, indeed. But to me, it has created my sense of belonging to this platoon; not just any partabcd, we're that part a, that part b, that part c, that part d. In one more act, we're stepping down. In other words, we're going to say good bye. Goodbye to the sweat, blood and tears of being cadets. Goodbye to the scoldings we use to get. Goodbye to the togetherness. Goodbye to each other. Goodbye to NCC. What I'm afraid of, is how much of these will remain in our hearts, in our memories? I'm always told to move forward. Whenever something untoward, happen to me, others tell me to let it go, leave it behind and create new memories. Now, my heart is filled with fear- fear of forgetting. I dont want these beautiful memories to be displaced by others. I dont want to leave delta girls. They are my treasure, my lifeline, my memories. I cant imagine a school life without them. I really cant. What can I do to ease this heartache?
My treasure, my lifeline, my motivation.
That's just one of the many cool stuffs that went on during and at the CE Games Day 2009. :) It was held at ITE College East. The campus is huge and beautiful. It has a large stadium (with comfortable seats in good working condition), a large quadrant that can spurt water (i think), and an air conditioned resting room. our school just pales in comparison doesnt it?! I played fencing. Which coughcoughcough somebody poked me in the abdomen which cough hurts. That's not the point. Fencing is cool. It has cool gears, varying sword-shapes, etc etc except that I will never comprehend how anyone finds passion hiding under a suffocating helmet. hey i tried ok. I just prefer tennis, bball, bmt and swiming. :) - Today was a funny funny day. We got back our chinese paper 1, which i passed with all thanks to the holy one up there, finished watching Napola, had health check up, spent the entire day reading a chinese book. It weird enough that I passed my chinese paper 1. hyperventilates yay. I'm want a GPA of 3.0 this term. I'm not asking for 3.5 or 3.1 or 3.2 or whatever, it's just 3.0! (A) My after-MYE days are filled with hillary challenge training, mino mascot making, freestyle rehearsals and bballs. Bball sessions are damn shuang okok. Especially when you play until you're exhausted, sweaty and breathless. (ignores the fact that I cant shoot, I cant dribble and my reaction is slow) hey i tried ok. :) hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahh this post is getting so monotonous. I'm leaving to drown in my ipod, doing math. exciting to the max sia. (nerd face) the heartache you feel is just your brain's way of telling you that hey dont let go, that person matters.
"Old pain doesnt completely die. Time may soothe it, stroke over it, until it looks like it has healed, but it never dies properly. It stays with you, living in the cracks of your soul, waiting for the moment when you feel true pain. Other people may hurt me several times over the years. I've cried, I've ached, I've grieved with varying degrees of intensity. And I'd always known, that it only hurt enough to leave a scar if that person mattered." -Goodnight Beautiful, Dorothy Koomson It's true that the many times we flame a person on our blogs, rant about that person, bitch about that person, get angry, or upset, or unhappy about the person's misdeeds, it's really because we care about that person. To put it simply, we're interested. Otherwise, we would naturally tune into the indifference mood. When we touch our hearts and for once, be completely honest with our emotions, we'd know that the heartache you feel is just your brain's way of telling you that hey, dont let go, that person matters. More often than not, the person matters more than you think. We often give in to impulsive decisions and neglect the fact that we've spent many times and been through many experiences with him/her.
Embarassing is my second name and grumpy is my third.
![]() look at cute guy+pretty girl=omgz gasp hyperventilates. (focus back on cute guy) he's really my main point. Ok, Kimbum is cute but he's not as cute/shuai/sweet as mr cute guy okokok i swear on my chinese grade that mr cute guy is worthy of your worship. hahahahahahahahahhaha (A) I'm so bored of blogging today. I (L) Blogging! Today is just too boring but i'm blogging for the sake of blogging. Hist pawns all because I learnt that there's not going to be lessons and lesson times will be nothing but movies+stuffs we want to do (aka movies)! anyw check out this funny convo.
okok i shall mediate for the night. survive thurs timetable+4rounds+long day. pray for weekends. excite over tennis. P.S. I (L) SATURDAYS! it's amazing how i managed to listen to shuffles at ngiht and know it's nothing to be afraid of :)
![]() above credits to http://www.gv.com.sg/ I watched 17again and angels&demons in a row today! and a few days ago, when exams just ended (which alr seems like a long time ago), i watched X-men with 4H. :O I have never watched so many movie teebits in this considerably short period of time. ok, for most of X-men and Angels&Demons I was closing my eyes/behind my bag/behind someone's back, but still, i got the gist of the story. 17 again was the coolest; with the cliche "zac effron is so hot" comments. hahahahhahahahaha. I've finished the proposed timeline with Ziqi; finished translating the entire survey for parents into Chinese which Ximeng was supposed to do, coughcoughcough somebody must have forgotten hahahahhahahahahahhaha. On the brighter side, I managed to improve my Chinese. Really ok! :) So I'm going into the habit of sleeping at unearthly hours. It still never fails to amaze me how i can fill my week before i even end the week before that?! Wed: Fsd rehearsals Thurs: Tennis with Rebecca, Kah Ghi, Muxin, Yongyu. Fri: CCA+Hillary challenge trng=(Y) Today was really funny cos someone proclaimed of protecting me from ghosts that appear. I didnt tell that person but I found it really cute. me=(A) okok I shall go and sleep asap. havent been blogging+reading blogs since 14th May, I pawn. :)
Goodnight, beautiful.
There's CCA tmrw. PartBs please bring no4, 2.40pm pt kit. hahahahahahahahahah this is redundant because on typing this i know i that i still have to SMS them. I need to finish NCC CIP proposal by next friday. I need to finish CID4 timeline and plan a next meeting by next tuesday. I want to read Dorothy Koomson's Goodnight, Beautiful (which I'm told is a sad story). I want to read the John Sculley's book.My rational brain is telling me to stop wasting time on blogging. My rational brain is a lot like my Dad- strictly no MSN, no SMS, no emails, no blogging, do math. period. While my irrational brain is a lot like the famous bloggers who adore shopping, adore hanging out, adore movies, adore more shoppping. Come to think of it really hard, these bloggers do nothing but shopping and hanging out. It's quite a waste of time really. At least my irrational brain includes reading, organising, writing in my yellow book, IPOD, PSP and tennis. Now my rational brain is going to ally with my mother and tell me to stop blogging. okok!! I shall leave after typing about today. Today was a really emotional day. I was math :) history :O chem -.- chinese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ): then i spent the rest of my day panicking. if i fail my chinese, i'm going to bury myself under my books+IPOD+PSP. I'm not even going to play tennis! Obviously, my irrational brain is talking. byebye. Delta, alert!
HEY DELTA, ANYONE INTERESTED?! I AM NUMBER 1 A children's musical drama about a boy who wins a story-telling competition but is still unhappy. On the other hand, a charming girl loses the competitionbut is happy. By Arts Theatres Of Singapore. In Mandarin. Where: Victoria Theatre Hey you, wake up.
Twitter, facebook, skype.. so many people are voicing their opinions about these social networking. I've been wondering the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. It's difficult to come up with a plausible conclusion. After reading several newspaper articles, I tentatively decide that the internet has more good than bad.Disclaimer: I have no intentions of offending anyone who is conservative about opinions which are being voiced publicly. To begin, I believe there are infinite wonders of the internet. Based on personal deduction, everybody reading this probably thinks the internet is awesome. But for those few who are still doubtful about the internet's ability, here. Firstly, the quickness of the internet allows people to keep in touch with their friends, distant relatives or family members who are overseas. As long as there is an internet access, webcams, instant messaging, emails, social networking devices and such are avaiable. From daily routines to massive breakthroughs, internet users can read the personal reflections of the person. Personally, it's been exceptionally useful for reinstating relationships with friends that i've neglected or forgotten over the past few years, namely my primary school friends. Secondly, it gives people breathing space. For example, emails can be sent within seconds. Yet, the receiver can choose to read it at that instant or leave it for a later time, when it is more convenient. This allows people to calm down and think through before replying. This is especially useful when both parties have just been involved in a heated argument. In addition, it allows people to construct a proper message before initiating a conversation or sending an email. Although skeptics argue that emails are a form of informality, it allows people to take time in drafting their message so that the most calm, most prepared image of the sender can be portrayed in the carefully chosen words. The thing about the internet is that it isnt as intimidating as meeting a person you've just yelled at or answering a particularly condescending superior. Thirdly, the internet is international. This makes it amazing. Informations from all over the world can be attained with a click of the internet. Cliche as it may sound; how often was the internet helpful in getting information? (Note: helpful in the sense of availability, convenience and usefulness) How many webpages of international organisations can be found with Google and Yahoo? How many of us have used the internet to get official statistics for our Language Arts Essay? Obviously, I dont see what's wrong with tagging online and telling everybody what you're doing every single minute of your life. This wouldnt be possible some decades ago and the efficiency technology allows people to update their status anytime, anywhere. It calls for a celebration. It's an achievement isnt it? To me, the availability of the internet doesnt only rob people of their privacy, it also moulds us into unappreciative beings. We're able to attain a key source of information within seconds and instead of saying "hey, thank god", we frown over at how the internet has made us cyber savvy and on the contrary, loosing the habit of reading and writing. Then again, is it your parents' fault that you dont know how to cook? Is it your parents' fault that you're failing due to the overuse of the internet and the corresponding neglience on your studies? Many a times, we have a choice-to blame or not to blame. Some people choose to blame everything in the world but themselves for a flaw in their lives, some people choose to blame themselves, harp on their mistakes and kill their self esteem, while others choose to look into solving the problem. If you think using the internet has lessened the visits to the library, do something. I've realised that the above benefits the internet brings can be countered with the fact that your informations or the informations you need are as available to you as other people. I'm not unaware of the presense of terrorist personalised webpages, internet pornography or email scams. Yet, I must say, the internet does not invade people's privacy. Frankly, it allows people to do so but if people dont do it, there will be no issue. The internet is fast and quick. So fast, so quick that some people have extra time to spare and they use it by hacking accounts and doing indecent stuffs (like those above and more). This is further severed by the possibility of remaining anonymous on the internet. Like I said, the best discipline is self discipline. Now, because of the lack of self discipline, laws and rules are enforced to ensure the basic discipline of the society or a school or an organisation. So, the freedom people are getting now makes them forget discipline, forget righteousness, forget moral values, forget the basic respect they should have for fellow internet users. The internet is undeniably a dangerous threshold to pass. Yet, with careful usage, it becomes a convenient form of communication and a great time saver. So, what's wrong with the internet? Nothing. It's a genius invention. Sunday side-ups
just spent 20mins reading various people's blogs. mmmm, most of them reminded me of the upcoming MYE which is a really stressful thought. everybody's in the mugging mood. :O if you happen to be reading this, GLHF FOR MYE!! dont give up now and regret later. i swear that in no time, it'd be over! 8D - Random facts of Sunday: 1. Tammy is a really interesting blogger. She has a life, a very interesting one. I'm impressed by the way she can make herself look good. She has cool clothings and up-to-date fashion but she deosnt seem to go wild every one. instead, she selects those that make her look good. Like Leanne, like Desiree, like Melody... omgz, where do they get all their moolahs?!? 2. I'm having baked rice today agn. hahahhahahahahahha be very jealous Brenda. :) heehee, which reminds me of the increased frequency of baked rice i'm having. frankly, i agree i'm a spoilt pampered girl. 3. I've cultivated the habit of waking up at 7am everyday and sleeping by 10.30pm everyday. i pwn everybody. ;D besides that, i'm reading the papers daily. I've read The Straits Times today and the Lifestyle section has an article about Singaporean's self esteem. I think it encourages us all to put aside the stereotypes we have of our society and think a little deeper into the truth we face but are reluctant to admit. 4. I have been having 3 hours phy lessons but am not very beat after that. late sleepers, y'll should consider sleeping early too! enough random facts. havent touched history. say bye to mugger! :)